Susan Handle Terbay
Susan Handle Terbay
A touching reflection on motherhood, filled with the joyous pains of childbirth and Jesus' suffering on the cross . . . told through the eyes of a mom armed with a cup of coffee and a rosary. (Article by Susan Handle Terbay)

The following material is an excerpt from a book proposal for "Morning Coffee with Mary."

In her cover letter to NACMS, this is what Susan wrote:

Last year I put together some reflective writings, and I grouped them together and titled them Morning Coffee with Mary. I always write about my experiences as a mom, and this is no different. I'm so devoted to Mary, and I know she has traveled with me on many journeys, but I also believe that many others can reach to her as well because she understands.

Susan, we at NACMS know your words on motherhood and Our Blessed Mother will touch the lives and hearts of many. While it is written from the perspective of a mom, the material extends far beyond the scope of motherhood and touches the human desire for connection with God.

Click on the file below to read Susan's beautiful and prayerful words.