"She [Mary] is my friend, my mother, and my mentor. I want other young mothers to know Mary as I know her and through her share their memories and stories."
The Marianist Family is comprised of four branches. While many know about the Marianist Lay Communities, Marianist Sisters, and Society of Mary, fewer people are aware of the Alliance Mariale. So, just what is it? This article by Michelle Héraud fills in some of the details.
A touching reflection on motherhood, filled with the joyous pains of childbirth and Jesus' suffering on the cross . . . told through the eyes of a mom armed with a cup of coffee and a rosary. (Article by Susan Handle Terbay)
Brother Raymond L. Fitz, SM, looks at the first 100 years of Marianist involvement at the Mount St. John property in Dayton, Ohio. His words are a reflection and challenge for all Marianists--religious and lay.