Podcast: The Responsibility of Stewardship (Jon Watase and Laura Koonce)

Jon Watase and Laura Koonce are two staff members at Saint Louis School in Hawaii, a Marianist school serving boys in kindergarten through twelfth grade. In this episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories they share about the impact of the agricultural program that Jon helped establish, how their lives have been impacted by the Marianist Family, and their experience of the 2023 Lay Marianist Assembly in St. Louis.

Community Meeting Kit: Seeking Justice and Inclusion for Women in the Church

People committed to building a more just social order are reminded that the Church must model the kind of just policies and structures that we seek to promote in the broader culture. This guide, created by the MSJC Women and Justice Team, is an introduction as to how we can seek justice and inclusion for women in the Catholic Church. This Community Meeting Kit was created in collaboration with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC).

Community Meeting Kit: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Communities for LGBTQ+ Persons

As Marianists, we are committed to supporting one another in the challenges of daily living and in working for the coming of the reign of justice. As individuals and as community we can help transform the lives of our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters through living lives of inclusion and love. Read on to learn more about how Marianists strive to create communities where all are welcomed and affirmed for who they are. This Community Meeting Kit was created in collaboration with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC).

Community Meeting Kit: Death Penalty Abolition & Restorative Justice

The use of the death penalty has been a hotly debated topic for many years. Many in the Marianist Family view it as an unjust and inhumane punishment that is inconsistent with the Gospel. This community meeting kit examines how restorative justice seeks to improve and repair relationships between people and communities. This Community Meeting Kit was created in collaboration with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC).
