NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.

Podcast: The Vow of Stability - Al Prendergast and Sr. Laura Leming, FMI

In this episode, Al Prendergast and Sr. Laura Leming, FMI share their historical and sociological research on the vow of stability and reflect on what this vow has meant in their lives. Their stories can significantly influence our understanding of how the Marianist Charism empowers us to remain committed to birthing Christ in our world today by sharing the Marianist Charism with others and standing firm amid life’s challenges.

Podcast: Forming the Formators - The Nazareth Program (with Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI)

Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI professed first vows of June of 2008 and perpetual vows in 2013. She serves as the Vocation Director for the Daughters of Mary Immaculate amongst many other professional roles. In this episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories, Sr. Nicole shares about her experience in Nairobi, Kenya as a participant in the Nazareth Program, a formation program for emerging formators within the Marianist Family.

Lenten Meditation #3: Confidence in God

This is the third episode of our Lenten series of meditations.

Podcast: The Five Silences and Marianist Mindfulness (MSP 2.0 Participants)

Some of the people who participated in the MSP 2.0 program in the summer of 2018 share their reflections about Father Chaminade's Five Silences and how they relate to mindfulness in the 21st century. Hear a project that interests you?
MSP 2.0 Five Silences

The Five Silences, Missionary Disciples, and the Call to Accompaniment

Anthony J. Garascia, as part of MSP 2.0, reminds us that Chaminade's Five Silences are not intended for just personal prayer or personal holiness. Rather, the end result should be movement to "accompaniment" and "action." Garascia also compares the System of Virtues to the formation process involved in RCIA.
MSP 2.0 Five Silences

Modern Technology and the Five Silences

In our increasingly wired world, how do we carve out time for silence, especially for those born after the development of the Internet, those who have always had technology at their fingertips? Kay Stone, as part of MSP 2.0, examines the pros and cons of our accelerated world of digital gadgets and provides practical guidance for moments of unplugging to enter into the silent and sacred.

White Privilege Through the Lenses of the Five Silences and Marianist Mindfulness

Maureen Hoock, as part of MSP 2.0, looks at “white privilege” as it relates to the culture of the United States. She uses Blessed Chaminade’s Five Silences and Marianist mindfulness as avenues to draw one to greater empathy and understanding for the need for a true discipleship of equals in modern culture.
MSP 2.0 Five Silences

Marianist Mindfulness: A Guided Retreat

Mike Bennett, a university campus minister, has developed a guided retreat on Marianist mindfulness. This six-day experience draws its inspiration from scripture and Blessed Chaminade’s Five Silences.

Building a Marianist Foundation Within Your Family

LeeAnn Meyer, as part of MSP 2.0, has developed a practical guide for using the Five Silences with families, including with young children. Be it dance time, coloring scripture pages, or praying the rosary together, there is something for every family in this guide.

Table Story: The Five Silences and the Olson Circumplex Model

Beth Garascia, as part of MSP 2.0, shares the importance of "silence of words" and "silence of passions" as they relate to family dynamics. Key to her understanding of Chaminade's Five Silences is her reflection on a special table and the family memories that occurred around it.
